Page name: the battlefield:Alternate quests [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-05-18 02:45:50
Last author: Ritsuka-Kun
Owner: Legendary
# of watchers: 6
D20: 7
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In Japan there are people with powers like no one has ever seen, these people are called Elementals and Demons. There are dragons, phoenixs, mermaids and so on. On the outside of Toyko there the home of Heatra Kasshu, his wife Lisha Kasshu and there daughter Nekro Kasshu. The elements are at war with the Jorichi clan, it's like good vs evil and there can only be one winner but when will that happen? Who knowns? But the one thing everyone is sure about is that Heatra Kasshu and his army are ready but so is Cysero and his army.

This is the second part to the Battlefield RPG!

our characters can be found on main page so POOF

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Michelle's Battlefield characters

Nick's Battlefield characters

Username: [Ritsuka-Kun]
Name: Loki
Age: he's quite unsure
Powers: ultimate pranking and elemental powers including non-elemental
Bio: loves everyone XD literally XD

Name: Ariella
Age: ?????????
Powers: she only has non-elemental powers and can heal people but it takes a lot out of her
Bio: she's pretty outgoing and bouncy always wantin to play and just have fun but can be a bitch when people she cares about are in trouble, but also she's good at blendin in with either side she's really one of the bad guys
<img:> [>.> contains an adult themed pic no nudity ^^ but i put it up for the fun of it :D]

Name: Lucian Markalov sometimes goes by Lana well when he's cross dressing XD
Age: 35
Powers: his powers are sex based he controls his enemies through their sex drives gay or not XD
Bio: he's never questioned his sexually he always knew he was gay and always had a big crush on Loki he's extremely jealously of Nekro xD
<img:> <----him cross dressing XD

Name: Henry
Age: 10 :D
Powers: none
Finishing Technique: his ultimate cuteness
Bio: he is an orphan who lives in the woods trying to find a home

Name: Barren
Age 26
Powers: none
Finishing Technique:...
Bio: he is odd...and tries to steal peoples girlfriends/boyfriends xD

Name: Yanray
Age: 21
Powers: Earth
Finishing Technique(s):

All sex gose here Elemental Mistief

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2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha,"Answer me!"she snapped at Heatra."

Michelle ran up the stairs to Kesha,"What is all the yellin about, huh?"

2010-02-28 [Legendary]: heatra jumps out window as rail flips backwards sword drawn- so you no?

Heatra growls- oh yea i kno alright

Irene puts her book down- demon.....

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha and Michelle run out the cottage.

Kesha,"Rail!"she frowned as Michelle held her back.

Michelle held her tightly,"Don't."she hissed in Kesha's ear

2010-02-28 [Legendary]: Heatra growls- how long! long have you had control of him!

Irene runs to heatra's side Kunai drawn-

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle and Kesha blinked

2010-02-28 [Legendary]: Rail smiled- a long amount of time -he licks his lips snarling-

Irene:what do we do...its rails its spirit energy

Heatra whispers back- i no...but with kesha here i dont wanna hurt him infront of her

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha,"Rail?"she frowned.

Michelle,"Back inside with you." she draged Kesha in using her god like strengh to do it and when Kesha was locked up in the cottage Michelle ran back to where Rail, Heatra and Irene where at.

2010-02-28 [Legendary]: Heatra smiled- thanks michelle ^^ -then his face turns seriouslly pissed looking at rail- ALRIGHT!! you Son Of A Bitch,LETS ROCK!!! -heatra yells this as the ground under him cracks from energy-

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle shrugged,"Anytime." she said as she leaned against a tree by the cottage. She looked at Rail,"Interseting."she chuckles

2010-02-28 [Legendary]: Rail laughs- bring it foolish element! -the both charge each other and as they collide they dissappear-

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle pushed from the tree,"What the fuck?"

2010-02-28 [Legendary]: Irene blinked- me lost >.>

-the two reappear in a dimmly lightened throne room-


2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha ran up to Irene and Michelle,"Where's Heatra? I felt so much rage off him."

Michelle,"He just...disppeared."

2010-02-28 [Legendary]: Heatra looked around and is hit with a stream of black lightning and falls too knee's as it shocks him-

??? allowed me to simply trap you here

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha fell to her knees as she cries out.

Michelle,"Lisha!"she ran to her

2010-02-28 [Legendary]: Nekro runs over also- mommy?

Irene is thinking to herself- she can feel his pain....question is...who can take more

Heatra snarls as the lighting whips and lashes at him-

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha cried out as her back arches, she in now on her hands and knees.

Michelle,"Lisha whats wrong?"

2010-02-28 [Legendary]: Nekro is confused-

Irene watches- she is feeling heatra's pain....

Heatra stands slightly- when i find you ill rip out your heart and eat it as you watch me!!

???:temper temper fire boy -the lighting zaps him more and he drops again-

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha cries out again as tears run down her face,"So much pain." she cryed.

2010-02-28 [Legendary]: heatra stands again- you..your making her feel my pain arent you

??:and if i am?

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisah pants as she trys to block out the pain.

2010-02-28 [Legendary]: Heatra snarls as the voice seems to sear into his ears and the lighting grows in power- who can take more match your wife

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha cries out in pains again

2010-02-28 [Legendary]: Heatra growls- thats not no the answer already!

Irene is thinking of how to get heatra back-

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha pants as she thinks of Heatra

2010-02-28 [Legendary]: Nekro's tail fur stands up- daddy....


2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha pants as the pain stopped

2010-02-28 [Legendary]: a hole opens in the sky and heatra falls threw it and hits the ground with a thud,he imidietlly sits up franticlly- lisha!

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha turned her head to Heatra's voice,"Heatra?"

2010-02-28 [Legendary]: Heatra leeps over hugging her-

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha hugged him back tightly

2010-02-28 [Legendary]: heatra smiles- you ok

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Now that your here, yes I am."

2010-03-11 [Fallen Child Athena]: Latundra sighs and leaves the cave. She looks back and shakes her head. "See ya...."

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: Heatra shakes- it hurt

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha winces,"Fuck I hurt."

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: heatra looks up- lets just go inside and rest ok

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha stood up.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: heatra walks towards the door as lisha goes then slightly grabs his chest-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha walks into the cave then she sat on the sofa,"Fucking hell why did I feel your pain?"

Michelle followed them into the cave after she got her med kit,"Because the god that had control of Rail wanted it that why."

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: heatra looks up as irene is watching him- whats wrong...

Heatra:dont speak of this...understand

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle nodded,"You got it."she walked to Lisha and moved her cloak and took off her armor."This is going to hurt Lisha."she cleaned Lisha back.

Lisha nodded and bit her lip.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: heatra sighed still holding chest- ever since iato's changed me i keep changing


2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha looked at him,"Heatra you mean?"

Michelle siad nothing, she just ketp cleaning Lisha's back.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: heatra:not sure dear,but ill be fine

Rail walks into setsuna's quarters-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Setsuna was sitting on a chair looking down.

Lisha,"Heatra."she gave him that you-better-be-telling-the-truth-here- look.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: heatra looked at her- im fine dear see -he stands normally-

irene see's threw this since she clearlly has known him longer-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha glared at him,"Michelle I'm fine go check on Heatra now."

Michelle,"K."she banaged Lisha's back and put her armor and cloak back on. She stood up and walked to Heatra,"Sit."

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: heatra sighes and removes upper half of cloak revealing large burns poorlly bandaged-
Irene:O.O how does a fire demon get burned

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"Only if it's a god."she took off the bandages and started to clean it,"this is going to sting."

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: heatra sighs- figures

Irene:wait....were is nekro?

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"I last saw of her was when Heatra turned up and when Lisha stop crying out in pain." she finished cleaning the burn and she put some cool cream on it.

Lisha stood up too fast and wince,"I'll find her."she walked out the cave.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: Rail looks up slightly- we have a furry intruder-___-

Heatra winces-

Irene:im coming to

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Heatra you stay here."she said as she walked out the cave with Irene.

Michelle,"Ha your stuck with me." she said smirked.

Setsuna looked at him,"What the fuck are you going on about you asshole?"

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: irene giggled-

Heatra laughed- not so bad

Rail turns launching spirit energy into the roof of the small building making nekro fall hard to the floor-

Nekro gets up slowly- i followed u and now your gonna pay

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Setsuna stood up,"Ummm...okay now I see your point."

Lisha,"Nekro!"she called.

Michelle shrugged as she rubbed the cream on gently.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: heatra growled lowlly-

Nekro's hand glowed- you cant escape!

rail laughed quietlly-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"Sorry I know it hurt but it has to be done, Heatra."

Setsuna looked at Rail then to Nekro.

Lisha,"Nekro!!"she called.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: Irene:hmmm thats odd>.>

Nekro growled and charged but was easily thrown threw the wall by rail as she layed on the ground outside it started to rain-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha frowned,"Yeah it is."


2010-03-13 [Legendary]: Irene debates-

Rail growls slightly- now your threw little cat girl

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Setsuan sighed and sat back down,"This going to take awhile."

Lisha frowned,"Nekro!"

Michelle bandaged up the burn on Heatra's chest,"There that should do it."

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: Heatra smiles slightly- thanks

Nekro gets to knee's but rail kicks her back down-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"Anytime..."sh frowned,"Do you feel that energy?" she walked away from Heatra and out the cave.


Setsuna sighed again.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: Rail growled kicking nekro again-

Heatra:yea...were is it coming from?

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle followed the energy trial to where Rail was,"Nekro...Rail."she frowned.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: Rail looked up- ah so you have led them here! -the rain began pouring harder and harder-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"Whoa!"she held up her hand and made a black force field around Nekro.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: rail chuckled at this display of kindness- Setsuna prepare the things were leaving...

Irene stumbles upon them- you....

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Setsuna sighed and stood up and walked to Rail,"Whatever."

Michelle ran over to Nekro,"You okay, Nekro?"

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: Nekro coughs and moans curling up-

Irene locks eyes with rail and a lightly spark pops off the ground- you...attacked a little girl

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"I'll heal you, Nekro."she touched Kekro's forehead and side as she healed her.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: Rail:now now thunder girl...wouldnt want you to short curcuit -he laughs-

Irene frown turns deepers as another spark pops off ground-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Setsuna frowned as she is now at Rail's side,"Can we go?"

Michelle looked at Rail,"I knew I should have never let Kesha date you." she spat.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: rail looked at her slightly as if saying "help me"-

the ground under irene cracks slightly as she seems so calm- i...i...i cant let u leave here

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle glared at him,"I'm so telling her about this and she will kill you."

Setsuna pulled on Rail's arm,"Let's go."

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: Rail looked at her- and why should we one here thratens me or you my dear

Irene is apparentlly not on his mind as the small rocks on the ground start floating as irene starts to growl slightly-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Setsuna,"True but I'm bored."

Michelle was still healing Nekro.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: Nekro groaned-

Irene growls louder- you.....basterd.....

rail smiles- well then...if you insist

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Setsuna,"And I'm sure we can't find something to I won't be bored anymore."she smiles in a flirty away as she ran her nails down his chest.

Michelle,"Too goss to watch!"she frowned.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: Rail smiles lightly- oh im sure..very sure

Irene was not paying attention as the ground cracked more and her hand glowed-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Setsuna smiles as she kissed his jaw.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: irene:HEY ASSHOLE!

Rail turns from the kiss quicklly as a glowing hand envelopes his face- THIS IS FOR HEATRA!!! SHINNING FINGER!!! -setsuna and everyone are pushed a fields length away as rail and irene are engulfed in a bright light-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Setsuna scearms as she get pushed away. Finaly she powered up before I had to fuck him. God I owe Irene big time she thought.

Michelle ketp up her shield so they didn't move far.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: the light fades as rail remains standing but staggers body mangled by attack,irene has vanished except for a fragment of fabrick on the ground and her necklace-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Setsuna grunted when she hit a tree and fell to the ground.

Michelle looked at the necklace,"I-Irene..."she frowned.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: Rail staggered- t-that...hurt -he drops to a knee-

Nekro's eyes tear up- irene....

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha ran to the them all and she dropped to her knees when she saw Nekro,"Oh my baby your okay."

Michelle,"But Irene is dead."

Lisha,"No..." she stood up and looked at Rail,"You...Killed Irene!"she sceared at him."I will kill you!"she wrapped Rail's neck in shadows and started to chock him to dead.

Setsuna,"That hurt."she mubbles as she stood up.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: Rail smiled as the darkness dissappeared- loosing your touch lisha

Heatra appears next to lisha- no she isnt...!!!! AND NIETHER AM I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -heatra's foot met rails face as he flies past setsuna and hits a tree as heatra is immidietlly apon him holding his neck-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha ran to Heatra,"he killed Irene, Heatra."

Setsuna gasped for air. Fucking hell! Now they are killing but also killing me! Assholes!

Michelle,"Nekro I'll be back I need to check on something."she said as she disspeared into the shadows.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: Nekro watched then looked at the necklace-

HEatra growled as his eyes suddenlly did what they used to do,they changed to red- you basterd!

2010-03-13 [Fallen Child Athena]: Leona sighed as she sat in a tree. "The girl went missing....."

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle appeared next to Setsuna,"nice thing with the whole sex thing by the way, Setsuna."

Setsuna looked at her as she trys to breath but fails. help me!,

Michelle,"Would if I could but I need to know why you are loyal to him."

Setsuna, I'm not!

Lisha growls too.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: heatra is like crushing rails wind pipe-

2010-03-13 [Fallen Child Athena]: "I wonder where the young girl went......" Leona looked to the sky, and sniffed the air.

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Setsuna whimpers in pain then she passes out.

Michelle picked her up and walked over to Heatra and Lisha,"If you kill him you kill Setsuna."her words where soft but full of rage.

Lisha looked over at a passed out Setsuna in Michelle's arms,"Love stop."

2010-03-13 [Fallen Child Athena]: Leona jumped from the tree and headed to where the others were. "Lisha, right? We have a problem.......Latundra is missing."

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: heatra reluctantlly releases him-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha looked at Leona,"She's missing?"

Michelle,"Heatra i sence that Rail is some how coneted to Setsuna. So if you kill him, she will die."

2010-03-13 [Fallen Child Athena]: Leona nods. "Yes. I cant get her scent at all around here...."

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: heatra growls-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Maybe she dosen't want to be found."

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"So you want to kill a slave, huh?" she asked Heatra.

Setsuna woke up with a cough.

2010-03-13 [Fallen Child Athena]: "I dont think thats it...." Leona frowns. She had a feeling the child ran off and something happened.

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha sighed,"Well we're kinda dealing with the fact that Irene is dead and Rail is a bastard that has got Setsuna as a slave."

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: HEatra walked off angrilly-

2010-03-13 [Fallen Child Athena]: Leona sighs. "Then I'll go look for her myself." She quickly turns around and breaks into a run.

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha groans and ran after Heatra,"Love wait!"

Michelle looked at Rail,"You really are a bastard,huh?"

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: rail shifted away into darkness as does setsuna-

Heatra punches a tree and it falls over-

2010-03-13 [Fallen Child Athena]: Leoan sighs and sniffs the air, trying to track down Latundra.

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"Shit!" she growles.

Lisha ran up to Heatra,"Heatra."

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: heatra has his hood up,in his fist clinched the necklace she always wore-

2010-03-13 [Fallen Child Athena]: Latundra wondered back, all beaten up, blood running from her sides.

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha touched his shoudler,"Love."

2010-03-13 [Fallen Child Athena]: "Stupid humans...." Latundra mumbled before colapsing in front of a tree.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: heatra growled slightly- i couldve saved her....i couldve

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha stood in front of him,"Heatra if there was something you could have done then you would have done it. So stop blaming yourself about Irene's death."she said softly as she touched his face.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: heatra looked up at her eyes red and fangs exposed-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"I speak the truth, Heatra, you know I do."she hugged him tightly.

2010-03-13 [Fallen Child Athena]: Latundra lay there, her clothes torn and a tight collor around her neck.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: heatra's fangs retracted- i love you

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Love you too."she kissed his cheek as she hugged him tightly.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: heatra hugged her as the claws retracted-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Shhh...just calm, love."

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: heatra claws retract completelly-

2010-03-13 [Fallen Child Athena]: Latundra shakes in her sleep.

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"There you go."she rubbed his back gently as she ketp hugging him.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: heatra smiles and holds her tighter but kind off moves his hips away- sorry,you no how i get when im close to you

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"I know, love."she held him tighter.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: heatra smiled-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Feel better?"

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: heatra:next to you i feel a "lot" better

2010-03-13 [Fallen Child Athena]: Leona walked back, sighing.

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha chuckles.

Michelle ran to Heatra and Lisha,"I hate to break up this lovey dovey moment but Rail and Setsuna are gone."

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: heatra's fangs exposed slightly-

2010-03-13 [Fallen Child Athena]: Leona stays away from the group as she found Latundra. She exhales and picks the child up and jumps into a tree.

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha looked at Michelle,"Are you sure?" she said as she rubbed Heatra's back.

Michelle,"100% sure."

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: heatra's leg shook slightly as he calmed-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha sighed,"We'll have to be on the look out for her."

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: heatra's legs shakes-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle,"And for Rail." she sighed." it's like I knew it from somewhere but I can't be sure tho. Oh my god Kesha I left her alone! I got to go and make sure Rail dosen't go after her." she ran away from them.

Kesha,"Let me go! Now Michelle!" she yelled as she banged on the door of the cottage.

Lisha sighed then she looked at Heatra,"Love let's go get Nekro."

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: nekro was holding the cloth from irene's remains- thank you.....

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha give up on the door and walked to her room, Where is Rail? Why did Michelle lock me in up here? And why was Heatra fighting Rail? she asked herself mentaly as she walked into her bedroom.

Lisha walked up to Nekro with Heatra,"Sweeite."

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: nekro turns to them- were did she go....

Heatra sighed looking down- your aunt gave her life to release setsuna from the curse demaga placed on both setsuna and rail

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha walked over to Nekro and hugged her tightly.

Kesha frowned and sat on her bed,"Where is he?"

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: rail appeared in her room- kesha.... -he used some power to jam the door-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha looked at Rail,"Baby!" she ran to him and hugged him tightly.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: rail cringed slightly- you have to come with me,they have betrayed us!

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha looked up at him,"Baby what are you going on about?" she touched his face gently.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: rail looks at her- heatra has been possesed by the dark king,we have to flee,you have to come with me

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha gasped,"Oh my goddess. Really?"she held onto Rail tighter.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: rail looked at her- yes quicklly gather your things

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha,"But,...what about Michelle?" she asked as she pulled from him and started to pack.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: she is on there side,she locked you in here so that you couldnt see,what truly happened

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha looked at him,"But Michelle wouldn't do that...she's not evil."she frowned.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: rail sighed- sometimes we have no control over our actions

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha,"I"she frowned as she finished packeting.

Michelle ran into the house,"Kesha!"

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: rail became alert instantlly- there here for you...we have to hurry

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha frowned and ran to him with her bag,"lets go then."

Michelle ran up the stairs,"Kesha! Answer me, goddamnit!"

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: rail dissapeared with a smile just as the door opened-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Michelle ran into the room and saw Rail disppear with Kesha,"NO!"she yelled.

Kesha held into Rail tightly.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: rail re appears at the fortress city of mists- ah now we are safe

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha nodded as she held onto him tightly,"Just as long as where safe."

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: Rail smiled- would i ever put you in danger?

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha,"Never."she smiles.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: rail smiles-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha held into him tightly.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: rail looked at her- now then...-he winks-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha looked up at him,"Now what?"

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: he kisses her- you get to be with me at all times

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha kissed him back,"I love the sound of that."she smiles

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: rail smiles- me too

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha smiles as she cuddled him,"So where are we going to live?"

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: well here i guess -he smiles-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha nodded,"Okay but I don't mind where we stay just as long you with me, I'll be a happy little bunny."she smiles

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: rail chuckles- and a hot bunny at that -he twirls her with by her arm in a circle-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha giggles.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: rail whistles- mmm mmm mmm divine divine

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha giggles and blushes,"Your making me blush, Rail."

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: rail laughs- i know dear i know -rubs her back slowly-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha smiles as she leaned on him, she layed her head on his chest.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: rail smiles- i mean ima have to pay to repair the bed every night XD

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha blushed deep red,"Rail."she hid her face on his chest.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: rail smiles- i mean just think of all the money i could save on matresses

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha nodded a little but she blushes more

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: rail kisses her neck- does that make you all giggly dear

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha shivered a little,"Maybe."

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: rail smiles at her and rubs his hands up her sides to her shoulders- well im always ready when you are

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha blushed and kissed him deeply,"I'm always ready."she whispers.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: rail smiles- thats good to know

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha smiles.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: rail spins her slowly again- mmm damn

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha giggles as he spins her.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: rail keeps it up-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha giggles more,"I'm getting dizzy."

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: rail pulls her close to him- then how about i stop spinning you

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha leaned on him,"Sounds like a good idea."she layed her head on his chest.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: rail held her to him then looked up at the sky and his eyes flickered-

2010-03-13 [Tis gone but never gone]: Kesha,"I'm glad you saved me, Rail."she smiles as she held onto him tightly, she wrapped her arms around his middle.

2010-03-13 [Legendary]: rail smiles- me to to -a cloud rolls over the sky and rails eyes are black..but kesha doesnt see this-

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